

Written on 1:23 PM by kakiku di bibirmu

The year was 1995. The conception of Disagree took form between the brotherly bonds of two high-school buddies, Zahid and Hamka. Together with band members Lan and Amir, the quartet gigged around KL and did what every band in Malaysia did: Recorded their first demo!

“We made Never Cry Wolf in ’96, in a house which was also a studio. I think it was called Bach & Traz. It also seems that we were the last band to record there. They closed down a week later. It didn’t cost us much, but it sounded great at the time. We managed to lash out 10 songs in 2 hours. Only 2 of them survived in our present jamming list today.” Zahid

It wasn’t until interests were sparked in ’97 by a small independent label, did Disagree record their 2nd demo, untitled. However, as fast as the spark of interest lit, it died due to internal label obscurities and Disagree hopes were dashed.

On the roll downhill, the band started to show signs of cracks. Members were focusing their interests on other things and the lack of commitment from everyone brought Disagree into a slow, sleeping, lull.

What started between two classroom buddies and carried on through high school seemed to be ending as they entered the work force. Stretched out to its limit, Disagree took a hiatus from the scene for two long years and would have completely fizzled out into oblivion, had it not been for those rumors!?

It carried throughout KL, these talks of a rock concert! Zahid and Hamka dragged themselves out of bed for it and headed out to the One Utama car parking lot, where indeed, like the rumors said, a rock concert was being held.

At its peak, performers played to 10,000 people with the crowd body surfing and fans singing the lyrics to songs. It carried on through rain and unplanned delays but the crowd stayed, made noise and had fun, from start to finish.

“We were blown away at whole experience of being in the crowed and dreamt of being on stage entertaining the crowd.” Zahid

Ironically, it was the first ‘Rock The World Concert’ that gave Disagree the swift kick up the arse that it needed, to get it together, and with it came some crucial decision making. This saw the heartbreaking departure of high school buds Lan and Amir.

“Members of disagree had always been the best of friends even before the band. Therefore it wasn't easy. It was like loosing family.” Hamka

The band name remained even with the arrival of newcomers Aziz and Ashroff and with it, an arduous gigging schedule for the next 5 years. Disagree slowly seeped into the scene and played just about anywhere and everywhere that it brought them, gigging like there was no tomorrow. It paid off. Disagree had begun to make a name for themselves.

The beginning of 2001 saw Disagree create their next demo that would inevitably cause a ripple effect in the scene: Homemade Jam. This demo gained radio airplay on Wow FM as well as Hitz and various magazines voted the demo the most popular and groundbreaking demo to be reviewed.

“When we made Homemade Jam we never expected the kind of reception that we received. It was just simply amazing how much a small demo from a small band can affect people.” Zahid

They started to become more actively involved in the scene as they stepped into the shoes of gig organizers. The Fat Ant Music Festival was created and Disagree took on 30 local underground bands and promoted them for a month.

Later that same year, Disagree opened for ‘Rock the World II’, one of their biggest achievements to date and continued to be in the lineup for ‘Rock The World’ III & IV. It was around the time of Rock the World III when Fat Boys Records, an independent label who signed grungers Naked Breed and was headed by LO, sparked an interest.

With talks beginning in 2003, Disagree went away to tighten their set for the recording of their debut album. After 10 back breaking months and 11 tracks later, the arrival of their mastered album from California, completed this chapter. Disagree released their debut album ‘At the End of the Day’ on February 10, 2004 to the Malaysian masses and they couldn’t be happier!

“We're just a band that wants to succeed and do our best. All we wish for is the growth of our band, the bands around us and the scene itself. What more could we ask for? What more could we lose?” Zahid

The Official


Written on 3:12 PM by kakiku di bibirmu

Tahun 1997 adalah telah menyaksikan penubuhan dan kemunculan kumpulan ini. The Official (satu slanga jalanan yang bermaksud yang terbaik) yang digunakan oleh remaja-remaja di sekitar Johor Bahru telah dipilih sebagai nama kumpulan ini. Berkonsepkan oi! pada ketika itu, The Official yang ditubuhkan oleh Hasnol telah mengejutkan pendengar-pendengar muzik underground dengan kehadiran E.P pertama mereka berjudul JB Riot Skins pada tahun yang sama dibawah naungan Strange Culture Records(kini Clockwork Records). Dengan jualan yang melebihi 15,000 unit tanpa sebarang promo, The Official sekaligus menjadi sebuah kumpulan yang digilai pendengar-pendengar muzik underground Malaysia, Singapura, Indonesia dan juga negara-negara Eropah.

Jadual tempahan-tempahan gig ataupun show di dalam dan luar negara yang ketat tidak menghalang The Official untuk keluar dengan album pertama mereka berjudul Remember Yesterday yang telah di keluarkan pada tahun 1998 dibawah naungan label yang sama dan line-up yang sama (Magoo-vocalist, Hasnol-guitarist, Congo-bassist dan Bum-drummer). Dengan berkonsepkan Rock n Roll, sekali lagi The Official berjaya bertahkta di hati peminat-peminat mereka. Dengan sebuah album yang patriotik dimana mereka meluahkan cinta terhadap Malaysia. Sekali lagi tanpa sebarang promo, jualan album ini telah melebihi 13,000 unit dan kali ini The Official bukan sahaja diminati oleh peminat muzik underground malah pendengar muzik mainstream.

Selepas mengeluarkan Remember Yesterday, The Official terus aktif memenuhi undangan-undangan dan tempahan-tempahan gig ataupun show untuk beberapa tahun sehingga Hasnol, Congo dan Bum terpaksa menarik diri di atas pelanggaran jadual kerja. Tempat Hasnol telah diisi oleh Sarah dan bersama Azim (bassist), Rizal (drummer) dan Amir (lead guitarist), E.P kedua, A Tribute To JB Riot yang berkonsepkan Indie telah dikeluarkan di atas desakan peminat-peminat mereka pada tahun 2001 di bawah naungan Clockwork Records.

Pengunduran line-up berlaku sekali lagi dan The Official terpaksa mengundang rakan-rakan sessionist bagi memenuhi jadual undangan dan tempahan gig ataupun show yang semakin ketat. Album kedua (yang masih mengekalkan konsep Oi!, Rock n Roll dan Indie), Youll Never See The Last of Us telah dikeluarkan pada tahun 2003 di bawah naungan Clockwork Records. Magoo, Sarah dan Amir telah menggunakan khidmat Wari selaku pemain drum dan terus menjadi idola peminat-peminat mereka.

Undangan dan tempahan gig ataupun show The Official kini bukan hanya di seluruh semenanjung, Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapura sahaja, malah Indonesia, Jepun, England, Amerika Syarikat, Mexico, Brazil dan Jerman juga tidak henti-henti ingin menjemput The Official ke negara mereka untuk mengadakan tour namun komitmen kerja telah memperlahankan pergerakkan The Official dan akhirnya di atas desakan yang tidak henti-henti dari peminat-peminat mereka, kini (2006) The Official kembali lagi dengan album ketiga mereka Realiti Rock N Roll. Dengan berkonsepkan Rock N Roll dan Indie, The Official yang masih di bawah naungan Clockwork Records merealisasikan impian peminat-peminat mereka yang sekian lama ingin mendengar Magoo menyanyi di dalam Bahasa Melayu. Setelah pengunduran Sarah dan Amir di atas komitmen kerja, Hasnol kini kembali selaku guitarist, Magoo selaku vocalist, Hassan selaku bassist, Enol selaku Drummer dan Fendi selaku 2nd guitarist undangan.

Undangan dan tempahan gig ataupun show The Official kini bukan hanya di seluruh semenanjung, Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapura sahaja, malah Indonesia, Jepun, England, Amerika Syarikat, Mexico, Brazil dan Jerman juga tidak henti-henti ingin menjemput The Official ke negara mereka untuk mengadakan tour namun komitmen kerja telah memperlahankan pergerakkan The Official dan akhirnya di atas desakan yang tidak henti-henti dari peminat-peminat mereka, kini (2006) The Official kembali lagi dengan album ketiga mereka Realiti Rock N Roll. Dengan berkonsepkan Rock N Roll dan Indie, The Official yang masih di bawah naungan Clockwork Records merealisasikan impian peminat-peminat mereka yang sekian lama ingin mendengar Magoo menyanyi di dalam Bahasa Melayu. Setelah pengunduran Sarah dan Amir di atas komitmen kerja, Hasnol kini kembali selaku guitarist, Magoo selaku vocalist, Hassan selaku bassist, Enol selaku Drummer dan Fendi selaku 2nd guitarist undangan.

Tapi skrang dah berubah lebih kurang A.C.A.B gak. Buat Album bahasa melayu.. Xsebest dulu...

Aku rindu muzik2 the official zaman dulu

Acab - We Are The Youth


Written on 3:00 PM by kakiku di bibirmu

There was a time when the world when wrong
There was a time throught that i wa strong
Never really cared for everyone
Never really cared if sun won't shine

Coz the wrath of Oi! was far from dead
And ourselves bled the streets of the city, red!
But like a warrior i am, I've stread and survived
The darkest days × of life

For all the years of suffering
And all the years of broken hearts
We will remember when the revolution starts
And now like a warrior that I was meant to be
I will stand in this ground with pride and dignity

We are the youth
We are the truth
We have survived the darkest time of lives
We are the youth
We are the truth
Our turn will come and we will have our day

Intoxicated - Diet


Written on 2:44 PM by kakiku di bibirmu

So you're ten pounds overweight,
And you can't see your toes;
Your butt's as large as a beach ball,
A fact that everyone knows;
Thighs as large as tree trunks,
Big and juicy they say,
So your momma picks you up,
You're gonna diet today!
What am I gonna do?
Stuck in this trap!
Loads of fat all over my body
I'm so tired
What a riot
Cos I'm on diet



Written on 2:31 PM by kakiku di bibirmu

In 1991, Loque (Khairil Ridzwan Bin Anuar), and his Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) schoolmate, Kadak (Mohd Fakharudin Bin Mohd Bahar), formed what was then known as Loque's Tail , Loque and Kadak, together with a few MCKK friends, started producing their own material, with the hopes of making a name for themselves in the Malaysian music scene. It is worth remembering that this was during the start of the grunge era which managed to reach the shores of Malaysia in substantial force.

It was while jamming in Kuala Lumpur during 1993 at Black Widow Studios that they bumped into Emmett, who was there jamming (as a guitarist) with his band at that time, Grunge Dayz . Impressed with what he saw, Loque challenged Emmett to a ‘jamming showdown', after which they mutually decided to join skills and creativity, to form their own band. After meeting up with drummer Kalai later that year, Butterfingers was officially born by the end of 1993. And with the final line up of Loque (songwriter, guitarist), Emmett (vocals, guitar, strings and lyricist), Kadak (bass) and Kalai (drums), Butterfingers hit the underground gig scene with such vengeance that had most of their shows sold out and described today as ‘the stuff of underground legends'.

Rise To Fame (1996-1999)

1.2 mg was released in 1996 to a reasonably strong and rapidly growing fanbase, (owing to the massive reputation the band had achieved during their years in the underground scene) with Nirvana-esque tunes, much like Silverchair was with their early albums. The band was evidently very much influenced by the Seattle scene which at that time was dying away after the death of Kurt Cobain, and the evolution of Pearl Jam into a more melodic, diverse and less angst-ridden band, among other things. The Malaysian youth however, were far from over with grunge and received 1.2 mg very well. The following year's release of their second album Butter Worth Pushful strengthened their following with more intricate, but still grungy, tunes.

It was however, the 1999 album Transcendence, which showcased massive songwriting potential, that brought Butterfingers to the peak of their popularity. With hit songs The Chemistry (Between Us) and Epitome, Transcendence sold over 50 000 units, which was an admirable feat for an English-singing Malaysian band at a time when such bands were still by and large almost automatically considered inferior to American and British imports.

Maturity and Integrity (2000-present)

After the success of Transcendence and the release of Butter Late Than Never, a collection of old live tracks and outtakes with some previously unreleased songs, Butterfingers recorded Malayneum, an epic album showcasing some of the most impressive material in Malaysian music history that won rave reviews from critics. In many ways, it fulfilled the potential that was evident in Transcendence and acts as a testament of how mature the band had become at that point. The fans however, responded less favourably, evident by decreased sales of the album, hugely due the fact that they were still in desire for three-chord, angst-ridden, grungy material. This was something the band wasn't willing to continue producing at the expense of musical growth and maturity. The band once remarked how they felt that while they have grown past grunge strictly as a musical genre, the fans have not. Nonetheless Malayneum is a landmark album for the Malaysian music scene simply because of its quality and originality. After a greatest hits album in early 2003, the band started working on the Malay language album Selamat Tinggal Dunia which was released in 2004. By this time many Malaysian bands singing in Malay were selling very well, owing much to the popularity of Indonesian indie bands in the country. In fact some bands who previously sang in English, such as OAG, perhaps realising the commercial potential, switched to Malay. Rock music in Malaysia was also under significant challenge from the hiphop scene with the emergence of groups such as Too Phat and Teh Tarik Crew who attained huge commercial success and popularity among the youth of the country. Some sections of the Butterfingers' fanbase were slightly suspicious of the band's motives for recording a Malay album but once again they were defiant and demonstrated faith in their own visions of what they intended to produced.

Selamat Tinggal Dunia proved to be surprisingly original and any concerns of Butterfingers 'selling out' were put to rest with its release. The album brought a new dimension to Malay rock with a mixture of controlled raw-ness and mature musical arrangements which was never meant to sell as well as the Malay or Indonesian bands that sang easy listening ballads which some critics have claimed to be lacking in depth. Even the words Emmett used on the album were 'alien', borrowing many terms associated with the Malaysian royalty. In interviews the band have said that this was a conscious move on their part to explore new grounds within Malay language music which they felt was becoming all too predictable.

Emmett left for Canada to further his education before the release of Selamat Tinggal Dunia and there were rumours of Butterfingers breaking up or melting away (helped by the title of the record itself which can be directly translated as Goodbye World) but the band themselves have maintained that there is no real cause for such fears as they plan to continue working together as often and as best as they can. No matter the future outcome for Butterfingers, they have ridden the unique challenges as artists in Malaysia and most definitely stamped their mark as Malaysian music legends.


* Peristiwa Batu Keras (live in Hard Rock Cafe) (album, 2006)
* Selamat Tinggal Dunia (album, 2004)
* 'The Best Is Yet To Come' (greatest hits) (album, 2003)
* Malayneum (album, 2001)
* Butter Late Than Never (album, 2000)
* Transcendence (album, 1999)
* Butter Worth Pushful (album, 1997)
* 1.2 Milligrams (album, 1996)

Butterfingers - The Chemistry


Written on 2:17 PM by kakiku di bibirmu

The Chemistry (Between Us)

I never again and again count it over
Never again and again and again this why ?
Come on again and again on my power
And on the shame and my pain will I get this ? Why ?

it's so real!!!
Fall in love again ? It's all we have to live
Whenever i'm unseen I blame it on myself

All over again and again coming over
Never again and again and again this why ?
Come on again and again on my power
And on the shame and my pain will I get this ? Why ?
it's so real!!

Fall in love again? It's easier to be..
Whenever i'm unseen I blame it on myself
Silky coloured will you love me ? (Suck !)
Silky coloured will you leave me ?
Silky coloured Indecision (Go !)
Silky coloured Cause i'm a patient..